Sunday, 7 February 2016

Filmmaker accuses Beyonce of using his footage for her new video without permission, Beyonce's people reply!

Filmmaker accuses Beyonce of using his footage for her new video without permission, Beyonce's people reply!

A few hours after Beyonce released her amazing new video for song Formation, a filmmaker accused her and her management of stealing his footage for the video. Reacting swiftly, Beyonce's people released a statement saying not only did they get permission, they also paid for it.. see all the tweets and replies after the cut...

Beyonce management's reply below...
"The documentary footage was used with permission and licensed from the owner of the footage. They were given proper compensation. The footage was provided to us by the filmmaker’s production company. The filmmaker is listed in the credits for additional photography direction. We are thankful that they granted us permission"

Someone explains the situation...

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