Pics: Pig's severed head discovered in mosque's toilet at Australian university
A certain Majdi who wishes to keep his surname anonymous
found a severed pig's head in the washroom of a mosque at an Australian
University. He said he was getting ready for his regular prayers around 12:30 on Sunday
at University of Western Australia when he made the gruesome find which
he promptly reported to the authorities.
The 31-year-old PhD student
said the room, located on campus, is used mostly by Muslims for their
ablutions - the traditional washing of hands and feet before performing
'At first, I thought it was a human's head because I didn't
have my glasses on,' Majdi said. 'But I had a second look and realised it was a dead pig's head. It was
shocking to see something like that, especially in a clean area. There
was blood on the animal. I guess it is a message of threat as we, Muslims, do not eat pork. It was not a good start to the day.'
Pigs are considered unclean by Muslims, who are forbidden from eating them.
According to a spokesman for the University of Western Australia,
the matter has been reported to police for investigation.
The University is very saddened by this deplorable act,' the UAW spokesman said.
'It is concerning that people using the UWA Muslim prayer room have been
targeted this way. We would like to reinforce that UWA strives to
support a
culturally inclusive and tolerant campus community and the University
will offer help and support to our Muslim students at this time.'
On Sunday, Majdi posted shocking images of the incident on social media.
'Everyone has been very supportive. We've received supportive messages
around Australia from all walks of life,' he told DMA. 'But we need to
be more alert about what has happened to
protect the community. If you have any issues or misunderstandings, I'm
sure the Muslim community are happy to talk to them. All Muslims are
opened to discussions and move any issues forward. We're here to build
our future together. '
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